My name is Joseph Jonas Exilus.  I am the second of four children and the only son. My mother and father were married, but my father had other children by another woman.  My mother is Christian, but my father is not yet a believer. 

I accepted Jesus during a spiritual activity of the church and was baptized.  Now I am active in God’s work.  I work with the youth, help with worship music, and serve from time to time as a lay preacher.  I try to demonstrate my Christian values by the way I live my life in my family and my community.

The scholastic aid I received from the Josephine & Winfred Brendle Scholarship Fund came at a good time for me because it permitted me to finish with my university studies.  It changed my life because today I am an accountant.

In 2011 I completed my classic studies at Lycee Fito Gracia de Grand-Goâveand passed the baccalaureate exam administered by the Department of Education of Haiti.  I reflected on what I could do so that I could continue my education at the university.  I knew my parents didn’t had the means to help me, because they only make about 20,000 gourdes (about $350 US dollars) a year.  They do not have jobs, they just work the land.  Also, they have other children to feed, clothe and send to school.  The conditions in Haiti are very difficult.

Nevertheless, I continued to pray for God’s will to be done.  In that manner, with the little bit my parents had, and with the help of some Christian brothers and sisters, I was able to enter the university to study accounting.  Every time I had to pay my tuition and fees, it was very difficult for me, but with God’s help, I was able to complete my first year, my second year and then my third year.  In the fourth year, I ran into difficulty and was unable to pay for the last year of my studies. 

When I wasn't able to finish in the university, it hurt so much. At times when I saw other students advancing but I couldn't go, it brought tears to my eyes. I always asked God to help me find someone to help me finish my studies because my godparents hardly had anything to help me. I felt like it was a shame for me if I couldn't finish the university, because I was my mother's only son and she dreamed with pride that I would have a good occupation.

That was when I heard about the Josephine & Winfred Brendle scholarship program. When I filled out the application, I believed God was acting on my behalf.  I put my confidence in Him.  When I got the word that I had been chosen as a JWBSF scholar, my heart was filled with joy because I saw that this was the way with my family's help and my friends' help I could finish my education. I realized that not everybody could benefit from the fund and I had been chosen.  I was so kontent and my spirit was finally at peace so that I could consentrate on my studies.  I no longer had to worry about paying for school.  That's why I continue to pray for this program and for every person who has contributed to help me finish my Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting.  By God’s grace and the help given me, I am now an accountant. 

I chose Accounting because I dreamed of having my own business or at least to earn my own way.  My goal is to be able to help others who are in difficult circumstances, especially, other young people like myself.  With God’s help I believe I will be able to do this.

Thank you for this gesture.  May God bless you.  I love you all in the Name of Jesus.

--Jonas Exilus,